لطفا جهت ارتباط با دفتر مركزي شركت باهر كيميا (تنها نماينده رسمي بيرينگ هاي RKB در ايران) روي اين لينك كليك نماييد!
RKB thrust bearings
The thrust bearings (TBs) manufactured by RKB are designed to support high axial loads and, in some cases, even moderate radial loads. The manufacturing program includes single and double direction TBs with at or spherical housing locating washers to meet any requirements in various industrial applications. Thanks to the improved internal geometry and the use of the most suitable raw materials, all RKB TBs attain the highest axial load
ratings and the best reliability.
Depending on application requirements, RKB Bainite Hardening Treatment (HB) and High Temperature Dimensional Stabilization (S) can be applied on bearing rings and rolling elements. The bearing dimensional and running accuracy conforms to ISO/ABMA/GOST speci cations.
Single direction thrust bearings
The broad portfolio of single direction thrust bearings (SDTBs) engineered and produced by RKB offers cost-effective solutions for the most demanding industries.
SDTBs can withstand only unidirectional axial loads, axially locating the shaft. Roller and raceway pro les are designed and manufactured to reduce stresses and minimize roller-edge effect.
Depending on machine requirements and operating conditions, they can be customized to enhance application performance in a reliable and ef cient way.