لطفا جهت ارتباط با دفتر مركزي شركت باهر كيميا (تنها نماينده رسمي بيرينگ هاي RKB در ايران) روي اين لينك كليك نماييد!
RKB tapered roller bearings
The tapered roller bearings (TRBs) manufactured by RKB are engineered to withstand combined radial and thrust loads. Available in a rich portfolio of designs and sizes, in standardized and non-standardized dimensional series, RKB tapered roller bearings can be in metric or inch measurements and represent the state of the art. Manufactured from high hardness materials, featuring unparalleled fatigue strength and resistance to wear, RKB TRBs provide excellent performance even under severe operating conditions. RKBs single row, matched pair, double and four-row tapered roller bearings are optimized to ensure increased load carrying capacities and high stiffness in special applications. RKB Bainite Hardening Treatment (HB) and High Temperature Dimensional Stabilization (S) can be
applied on bearing rings and rollers.
Double row tapered roller bearings
RKB double row tapered roller bearings (DRTRBs) are produced in several con gurations (TDO, TDOS, TDI, TDIS) to support combined forces and locate the shaft in both directions.
Manufactured with a given axial clearance (BEP), DRTRBs can fully exploit their potential in a variety of industries and applications. In order to manufacture products with the highest possible resistance to fatigue and wear, RKB makes use of different bearing steel grades and special heat treatments. The bearing dimensional and running accuracy conforms to ISO/ABMA/GOST speci cations